The bluebonnets have officially lost their luster which means no more bluebonnet sessions. It was a super fun season and I learned a lot from it. Including- you cannot compare bluebonnets in North Texas to bluebonnets in Ennis and South of Ennis. For some reason, the northern bluebonnets do not completely bloom so they are not as full.
Plus nothing beats Ennis. Its just fields and fields of blue. It’s breathtaking.
I also learned not to stress to much over these little flowers. I was worried so much about them dying early or not being a full and honestly, it was out of my control.
I found some great spots from Allen to Frisco to Grapevine to White Rock to a friend’s front yard and of course, to Ennis.
Here are some highlights from my bluebonnet sessions. If you missed your session this year, mark you calendars for next April. The bluebonnets will be back!